As winter sports season approaches Andover Central holds their annual blacklight pep assembly. On Friday, Dec 3, the first pep assembly in two and a half years was held in the gym.
For many students, this was their first high school pep assembly and they were thrilled to be a part of it.
“It feels pretty cool because there’s a lot of tradition I get to be a part of for the first time,” freshman Dayden Cunningham said.
This was also the first pep assembly for many of the teachers at the school who joined last year.
“I think the first thing that was really impressive was the freshman they all stood up and they all like did the screaming and the roller coaster thing and was expecting that it would be awkward and they wouldn’t know what to do and you know they’d be embarrassed but instead they really jumped in and I thought that was pretty cool,” French teacher Leah Ward said.
Two students from each grade got to participate in games to earn class points. This year the juniors won both games.
“It felt really good just to be out there in front of all my peers and take it home for the junior class,” junior Cameron Strickland said.
For the dancers it was the first time in a while that they got to perform in front of bleachers full of their classmates and friends.
“It was kind of scary, but also exciting to be a part of a big event in front of the students and teachers,” freshman Maddy Saye said.
This assembly was a great start in kicking off the winter sports season. The energy of the students created more excitement for the season and what is to come of it. Students will look forward to being a part of the student section at games and supporting their school.